Taizhou Youlong Machinery Co.ltd

How Do You Make Beer?

Release time: 2020-03-05 08:58:01  Hits: 62

Beer production can be divided into three main processes: malt manufacturing, beer brewing and beer filling. 1. Malt manufacturing has the following 6 processes. Barley storage: the newly harvested barley has dormancy period and low germination power, so it should be cooked after storage. Barley selection: use wind force, screen machine to remove sundries, according to wheat grain size classification. Wheat soaking: soaking wheat in wheat soaking trough for 2 to 3 days, washing at the same time, removing floating wheat, the degree of wheat soaking in barley can reach 42 ≤ 48%. Germination: the barley soaked in water germinates under the condition of temperature control and ventilation to form various substances that dissolve the wheat grains. The suitable germination temperature was 13 × 18 ℃, the germination cycle was 4 ~ 6 days, and the elongation of root bud was 1 ≤ 1.5 times of that of grain length. The growing wet malt is called green malt. Baking: the purpose is to reduce water, stop the growth and decomposition of green malt for long-term storage; make malt form substances that give beer color, fragrance and taste; easy to remove root malt, the moisture of malt after baking is 3 ≤ 5%. Storage: baked malt, stored in concrete or metal silo after removal, selection, cooling.

2. There are five processes in brewing. There are three main processes: saccharification, fermentation and ripening after wine storage. Raw material crushing: the malt and rice are crushed from crusher to comminuted degree suitable for saccharification operation. Saccharification: the crushed malt and starch excipients are mixed in gelatinization pot and saccharifying pot respectively to adjust the temperature. The saccharification pot was first maintained at a temperature suitable for protein decomposition (45 ℃ 52 ℃) (protein rest). After mixing the completely liquefied mash in the gelatinization pot into the saccharifying pot, the mash was maintained at a temperature suitable for saccharification (β-starch and α-starch) (62 ≤ 70 ℃) (saccharification rest) to make wheat mash. There are two methods to increase the temperature of wheat mash: leaching method and boiling method. Protein, saccharification rest time and temperature rise method, according to the nature of beer, raw materials used, equipment and so on, after filtering wort with filter or filter, boil in boiling pot, add hops, adjust to appropriate wort concentration, then enter the cyclosedimentation tank to separate the thermal condensate, and the clarified wort is cooled into the cooler to 5 ℃. Fermentation: the cooled wort is fed with yeast into the fermentation tank or cylindrical cone bottom fermenter for fermentation, cooled with a snake tube or jacket and controlled by temperature. When the following fermentation is carried out, the maximum temperature is controlled at 8 ≤ 13 ℃, and the fermentation process is divided into foaming stage, high bubble stage, low bubble stage and general fermentation for 5 ~ 10 days. Fermented beer is called tender beer, bitter, rough taste, low CO2 content, not suitable to drink. After fermentation: in order to make tender beer cooked, it is sent to the wine storage tank or continues to cool to about 0 ℃ in the cylindrical cone bottom fermenter to adjust the pressure in the tank so that CO2 can be dissolved into beer. During the wine storage period, the remaining yeast and condensed solids were gradually precipitated, the beer was gradually clarified, and the CO2 was saturated in the wine, and the taste was mellow and suitable for drinking. Filtration: in order to make beer clear and transparent into a commodity, beer is clarified and filtered at-1 ℃. The requirements for filtration are as follows: high filtration ability, good quality, less loss of wine and CO2, and do not affect the flavor of wine. Filtration methods include diatomite filtration, paperboard filtration, microporous film filtration and so on. 3. Filling and filling is the last process of beer production, which has a direct impact on the quality of beer and the appearance of beer. The beer after filling should meet the hygienic standard, reduce the loss of CO2 and reduce the air content in the container as much as possible. Barrel: the barrel is made of aluminum or stainless steel with a capacity of 15, 20, 25, 30, 50L Among them, 30L is a common specification. Barreled beer is usually fresh beer that is not pasteurized. Fresh beer tastes good, low cost, but the shelf life is not long, suitable for local sales. Canning: canned beer began in the United States in 1935. The quartermaster developed rapidly during the second World War. Canned beer is light, easy to transport, carry and drink, so it is very popular with consumers and develops rapidly. Pet (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic bottle: it has been put on the market since 1980, and the quantity has increased year by year. Its advantages are highly transparent, light weight, can be sealed again after unsealing, the price is reasonable. The main disadvantage is poor gas preservation, in the storage process, CO2 gradually decreased. Adding coating can improve gas preservation, but the storage time can not be too long. Pet bottles can not be vacated in advance or pasteurized, and special filling procedures should be adopted to avoid ingestion of air and pollution of miscellaneous bacteria. Bottling: in order to maintain beer quality and reduce the effect of ultraviolet light, brown or dark green glass bottles are usually used. The empty bottle was soaked in the bottle soaking tank (lye 2: 5%, 40 ℃ 70 ℃), then washed by the bottle washing machine, then poured into the beer through the filling machine, and pressed on the bottle cap by the capping machine. After pasteurized by sterilizing machine, the inspection can be qualified and can be packed out of the factory.

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